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Retail/Warehouse Clients

Furniture Retail Clients

Here at Sensational Express, we specialise in 2 areas – Furniture and Retail Logistics Services.
As an End-to-End Logistic Solutions Provider with over a decade of experience, Sensational Express is confident of meeting our clients’ needs well.
Committed to providing our clients with the logistics services they require/envisioned, Sensational Express has strategically leveraged on technology as well as tapped on necessary human resources to improve its operations.
As a result, we have managed to streamline our delivery system and optimised efficiency by 40%.

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Our Log(arithm) – Delivering Exponential Value
Delivering Exponential Value to our clients through our quick and hassle-free delivery is made more achievable with our unique Log(arithm).
Determined to simplify the local delivery operations in Singapore to support businesses of all sizes as well as allow our clients to gain quicker access to their daily deliveries, Sensational Express has since developed a Fleet and Order Management System in 2017.
A specially designed system has also been introduced to allow our clients as well as ourselves to track the status of delivery – Start, Arrival and Completion. Apart from real-time updates of each delivery, clients can view the proof of delivery instantly too.